A contemporary sanctuary nestled in the tranquil jungle, Amilla’s holistic philosophy invites guests to journey into inspired restoration, enhanced mindfulness and amplified stillness. Our homegrown traditional and modern treatment therapies nourish a divine connection with the water that envelops us, the island beneath and the sky above us.

Javvu Spa balances indulgence and rejuvenation with a customised roadmap tailored to your needs. Our integrated techniques are a harmonious intersection of Eastern and Western therapies, crowned with a taste of Dhivehi Beys, authentic Maldivian herbal treatments sourced from our island gardens and jungle.

Signature Treatments

Emerge refreshed from one of our ten treatment pods with a Balinese, Thai or Hot Stone massage therapy session; body treatments and facials incorporate traditional Dhivehi Beys, harnessing the power of the island’s herbs.


Experience why light, sound and kinesthetic vibration therapy has been used for millennia to induce the healing properties of relaxation, unlocking interactions with biorhythms such as brainwaves, breathing and heartbeat in a private Sensora therapeutic environment.

Yoga & Movement

Engage the mind, body and spirit with a new or familiar mindful movement practice. Invite energetic bliss and increased mobility with a private yoga session led by certified experts.

Fitness Your Way

Fortify your conditioning routines and support your holistic wellbeing with strength and play. Enjoy our myriad of exercise and sporting facilities, or try one-on-one tennis coaching with our resident Pro.

Alchemy Bar

Discover plant-based remedies combining modern herbalism with the ancient knowledge of the local Maldivian medicine, Dhivehi Beys, in our range of homemade soaps, scrubs and balms featuring ingredients homegrown on the island.

Wellness Your Way

In addition to our standard menus, tailored menus in each restaurant equip guests to follow their eating lifestyle while on vacation, whether vegan/vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb/keto or paleo.


Amilla Fushi Maldives Resort

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